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Breguet Watch


Breguet 3350 Tourbillon Messidor yellow gold watch 1995

In November 1999, A London couple returning from a dinner party were to become the latest victims of the “Rolex Robbers” who eventually graduated to murder in order to steal high-end watches and jewelry throughout the capital.

The gang had been waiting in Chelsea Square and attacked the couple ripping their watches right off their wrists.  The Banker husband resisted and was violently beaten and kicked in the face by his assailants.

In December 2021, one of the watches, a £30,000 Breguet gold Tourbillon Messidor appeared for sale at Sotheby’s in New York.  Christopher A. Marinello, acting on behalf of the Insurer, negotiated an unconditional release from the Consignor to recover the watch.

The piece will be offered back to the theft victim in the weeks ahead.